Midnight Blue Game and Engine
Classes | Enumerations
MB2D.EntityComponent Namespace Reference


class  CollisionComponent
 Used for running collision detection on an Entity More...
class  CollisionSystem
 Checks collisions. Uses a spatial indexing grid for broad-phase collision checking and AABB checks for narrow phase More...
class  Depth
 A tag class used to define an entity that should be draw sorted according to its current z-index More...
class  DepthSystem
 Changes an entities z-index based on the y coordinate of the top of their sprite More...
class  Entity
 Represents a tagged and id'd container for components that can be operated on by systems. More...
class  EntityMap
 Maps entities, systems and components to one another and provides querying and updating access to all elements More...
class  EntitySystem
 Performs logic on an entity. More...
interface  IComponent
 Tags any class as a valid component for use in the EntityMap. Derived classes should contain no logic, only data fields. More...
class  InputSystem
 Processes input for PlayerController and UtilityController entities. Can operate on an entity with either or both components More...
class  Inventory
 Defines a dictionary of Collectable types used for entities More...
class  Movement
 Defines position, rotation and speed related data for moving an entity. More...
class  MovementSystem
 Processes the change in position, rotation, and sprite transform for an entity More...
class  PhysicsComponent
 Physics component used to define acceleration and velocity. More...
class  PhysicsEnvironment
 Defines a new environment to feed into the physics system to alter the impact it has on an entity More...
class  PhysicsSystem
 Processes physics changes for a given entity More...
class  PlayerController
 Defines the attached entity as controllable More...
class  RenderSystem
 Renders culled entities with a SpriteTransform to the window More...
class  SpriteTransform
 Defines a sprite component with control over its size, rotation, and scale More...
class  UtilityController
 Declares the attached entity as able to control utility commands such as opening the debug console More...


enum  EntityAssociation { Strict, Loose }